Hella Gems | Original Music Blog

happy song

December 13th 2008 by


I made this in ableton and used the glitch plugin on a couple of the tracks to break it up a bit. This song has like a gazillian tracks for drums, for whatever reason I just felt that stacking them up sounded good. with not much time left, I decided to try to have some actual music to it. I've been having a hard time putting structure into my songs, so I decided that I should at least have a set of 4 chords and a melody in there somewhere. So that actually doesn't kick in until like half way through the song, but alas here it is! enjoy :)

3 Responses to “happy song”

  1. Voltaplatz

    Keep up the glitching. Having numerous drum tracks is a good thing, as long as you don't dilute the groove. Props.

  2. Graham

    a) the varied glitching on the sample. this is a timbral effect that is really idiomatic to electronic music and you've added nice non-repeating expression to your phrases b) the really subtle change in the progression at around 2:40 Nice work again, Rosie.

  3. Brody

    Rosie-- that glitch effect is pretty sweet- way to not over do it.

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